New Year, New You!
Join Dr. Melaney Caldwell for an exciting event, this Saturday, February 17, 2018. This FREE life-transforming seminar will provide...

Join Us for Our Last FREE Fitness Class!
Tuesday 9/5 is the last Living Well With Caldwell FREE fitness class here at Caldwell Pediatrics. Join our Fitness Warrior Theresa at 6pm...

Living Well...and Building Muscle!
Did you know that intense muscle building activities can help you continue burning calories after the workout is over? It's also true...

Tuesday Night Tune Up!
When you've managed to make it through Monday and you're finally starting to get back into the weekly groove on Tuesday it's a great time...

Why didn't the skeleton cross the road? He didn't have the guts!!!! Hahaha! Did you know that when they're tickled, rats laugh? Did you...

Boost your Activity to Boost your Immunity!
Cold and flu season is on its way…again. We’re spending more time indoors, in closer quarters, passing germs to and from our friends and...

Exercise can make us smarter???
We all know we should be exercising…right? We know it can help us stay at a healthy weight. We know it can make us stronger. But what...

How 'bout a rain check?
Dr. Caldwell was scheduled to throw out the first pitch at tonight's Petersburg Generals game...but then the weather got down right yucky!...

Spring Forward into Wellness!!!
Come join Dr. Caldwell and guest speaker, Aaron Payne this Saturday, March 12th for a great discussion. As our clocks spring forward...

Come join the fun!!!
Our Friends at Healthy Youth Revolution ( a project of Pillars of Health) are sharing their Family Fun Days with the community! This...