Wellness is in the Air!
Spring is in the air...even though it's a bit frigid.

Wellness is in the air all year 'round but we've decided that spring is the time to really kick it into high gear!
Here at Caldwell Pediatrics and Wellness Center, we want to help make true wellness a priority for our patients and their families. We will begin offering a variety of classes in the spring to help guide families towards this goal. In order to provide the types of classes you'd be willing to attend, we need to know what those are. We've created a poll, to help us narrow it down a bit and give you an idea of what we're prepared to teach. Follow this link or click the huge green button at the top of the page labeled "vote here" to vote for your favorite class. If you don't see anything you're interested in, let us know. Send us a message through the "contact us" page, or just click here. We want to know what your ideas and suggestions. The poll and classes are open to the public, so please share this link with all of your curious friends. We'd love their opinion too.